Acoustic barrier

Apronor >
Composed of multiple layers of fabric (top, bottom and inner), acoustic barrier reduces noise by up to 38dB. Flexible, with eyelets all around, it is easy to fit over metallic barriers. It is also easy to disassemble and transport, and it can be folded to minimise the space required for storage. This is designed for temporary use, mainly during construction work, and can be reused and cleaned. Similarly, as it is opaque, it protects local residents from the view and dust of the construction sites.
Available in standard format in our Apronor catalogue – width 3550 mm/ height 2000 mm/weight 13 kg – for the French market and for export, it can be customised on request. You can choose your own dimensions.
Effective protection against noise pollution
Acoustic barriers are an innovative solution for reducing noise pollution from construction sites. We use a number of technical textiles to make it :
- hydrophobic
- flame retardant
- resistant to breaking, tearing, traction and cold
It consists of :
- M2-rated PVC-coated polyester fabric, anti-UV and fungicide treated
- anti-fray treated glass fabric
- polyester and textile fibre protective felt
During construction, its installation helps to reduce the noise and disturbance caused by work, engines and machines, and to comply with the noise abatement regulations in force. Acting like an acoustic insulating panel, it targets sound at its source by absorbing it.
Also, the use of high-quality technical textiles in the manufacturing process increases the durability of this reusable equipment.

Application areas of this insulating barrier
Due to its technical characteristics, this acoustic cover satisfies the needs of professionals in the building, industry and public works sectors. Our customers are manufacturers, suppliers and/or installers of fences, barriers, palisades, protection and site equipment, in France and abroad.
Its areas of application are mainly related to building sites and works:
- in residential or industrial areas
- in urban areas
- near hospitals and other critical environments
- near schools
- at night
- using noisy machinery
When installed on fences or scaffolding, it reduces airborne noise by up to 75% (i.e. 38 dB).
If the standard format doesn’t suit your needs, it can also be made to measure. To find out more about customisation options and to receive a quotation, please contact us.
- Sound reduction up to 38Db
- Hydrophobic
- Fire retardant
- Customizable
- Noise reduction
Noise reduction
- Colors: black
- Top layer (front): PVC M2 coated polyester fabric (according to NFP92-507 standard); UV protection and fungicide; 680 gr / m²; breaking strength 260/250 daN; tear resistance 32/28 daN; cold resistance -30 ° C
- Bottom layer (back): black glass fabric, A2-s1, d0 anti-fraying treatment (according to standard EN 13-501-1); 212gr / m²; tensile strength in chain 500 N / cm, in weft 350 N / cm
- Internal layer : protective felt (textile fibres and polyester) 1200 gr/m²; thickness 40 mm.
- Hems and eyelets all around
- Tolerance of +/- 10% on the dimensions and thicknesses offered.
Other dimensions available on request
Frequency (Hz) | IL (dB) |
400 | 0,51 |
500 | 0,72 |
630 | 0,85 |
800 | 1,04 |
1000 | 1,02 |
1250 | 0,95 |
1600 | 0,79 |
2000 | 0,7 |
2500 | 0,62 |
3150 | 0,58 |
4000 | 0,5 |
5000 | 0,51 |
6300 | 0,5 |
8000 | 0,49 |
10000 | 0,54 |
Frequency (Hz) | IL (dB) |
100 | 4,3 |
125 | 3,7 |
160 | 2,5 |
200 | 3 |
250 | 9,3 |
315 | 9 |
400 | 11,3 |
500 | 18 |
630 | 9,5 |
800 | 6,4 |
1000 | 15,9 |
1250 | 16,1 |
1600 | 20 |
2000 | 20,2 |
2500 | 24,4 |
3150 | 27,5 |
4000 | 30,4 |
5000 | 29,9 |
6300 | 33,7 |
8000 | 33,6 |
10000 | 38,3 |

Noise pollution on site is defined by: Articles R 1334-36 of the public health code. Articles R 1334-31 and R 1337-7 of the public health code for worksites that do not require special authorization.